I'm thrilled to announce that I will join the University of Chicago, Computer Science Department as an assistant professor in January 2022!
The U Chicago CS and the City
The U Chicago's CS department is a drastically growing faculty (hired 25 professors in the past 4 years [wow!]) that pushes the envelope of CS across Data Science, ML/AI, Quantum Computing, HCI, Security, Robotics, Graphics, etc. I'm super excited to be part of the energetic and accelerating faculty with my long-passion in research and education.
During my visit to Chicago two weeks ago, I was impressed with the massive city facing the beautiful nature where rich and vibrant cultures reside in. I'm really excited to make such a place as my new home. The city seems to have a plenty of opportunities not only for research, but also for art and design, that attracted me for outreach opportunities that the department is super supportive for. Making my own lab space with creative spirits and interactive demos is another important agenda (and a dream!) for me to bring people and opportunities into the CS building. Hope you will have a chance to visit!

Lastly and MOST importantly, I'm actively looking for students (both undergrad and graduate[Master/PhD]), interns, and post-docs who have strong passion, curiosity and creativity. We will together invent, materialize and speculate novel ideas and visions for Interaction Design and Human-Computer Interaction research with means of interactive and robotic technologies, at our Actuated Experience Lab (*tentative name). In our lab, I will also be open for local and international collaboration with other academic institutions, industries, artists/designers, etc. Please spread the word for these opportunities and don't feel hesitate to contact me via an inquiry form below.
While I'm still in the process of preparing research statements and agenda for the new lab, below are keywords for your reference. Please do take a moment to look at my full portfolio (video / paper) to learn more about my research. Thank you.
Research Themes: Actuated Tangible User Interface / Shape Changing and Robotic User Interfaces / Interactive Devices & Computing / Interactive and Smart Material / Novel User Experience Design / Haptic and Tactile Interfaces / Media Art / Entertainment Computing, etc.
Related Skills: Software (Interactive Applications, Creative Coding, Control System, etc) / Hardware (Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Robotics, Digital Fabrication, Material Science, etc) / Design (Interaction & UX Design, Product & Industrial Design, etc)